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Over the past thirty years, Trudy Brandenburg has kayaked on dozens of rivers and lakes throughout the country, in addition to the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans, and the Gulf of Mexico. ​Her passions flowed together to create The Emma Haines Kayak Mystery Series. 

There are currently four books in the series:
  1.  Nighthawks on the New River
  2.  Peacocks on Paint Creek
  3. Robins on the Red River
  4. Osprey on O’Shaughnessy Reservoir

Along with her love of kayaking, she also enjoys birdwatching, walking through her beloved Clintonville, Ohio, neighborhood, hiking at Columbus metro-parks, reading, writing, and creating her personalized "Trudle" greeting cards.

On Friday nights, she makes her Facebook-famous, Friday Night Pizzas while watching an online, TV episode of the 198Os Miami Vice or a show in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes TV series (1984-1994, starring the BEST Sherlock: Jeremy Brett). Or she may choose A Nero Wolfe Mystery episode (2001-2002, starring Timothy Hutton and Maury Chaykin), or an Ellery Queen TV show (Fall 1975-Spring 1976, starring Timothy Hutton's father, Jim Hutton, with David Wayne). Trudy loves watching and reading mysteries; no mystery about that!
She also enjoys speaking at writing events, book clubs, organizational meetings, and helping others to create their own books through her popular writing classes, including, “Creating Fictional Characters." 

A proud event in her writing career happened in 2017. VoiceCorp is a reading service based in Columbus, Ohio, that provides audio broadcasting for people who are blind or have other conditions that prevent them from reading standard print. The first three books in The
Emma Haines Kayak Mystery Series, were read in their entirety over several weeks, along with an author interview on VoiceCorp. Such a stupendous honor!

Trudy's writing has also appeared in newspapers, magazines, and newsletters, including Paddler MagazineThe Columbus DispatchMy Scioto Valley Magazine sponsored by the Chillicothe GazetteQuirk’s Marketing Research ReviewThe Consultant, published by the Association of Consulting Foresters, various online publications, poetry books, and Holistic Discoveries magazine.
Trudy was a full-time researcher for a Fortune 100 insurance company for 34 years (1991-2025). If she's not busy in Clintonville, she may be hanging out along Lake Erie in Marblehead, Ohio, her favorite vacation spot.
The Emma Haines Kayak Mystery Series is no longer being sold online, but there are a few copies (books 2-4) for sale at Weiland's Market in Clintonville, Ohio.
You can check all four books out through the Columbus Metropolitan Library. 
Click here for tips on purchasing a kayak and places to kayak. 
Paddle along with the unique cast of characters.
Keep paddlin' and reading!
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